We have had to revert to store box cookies this week, this Nanny has no time for baking.
I could sure use some deep sleep like Tater Tot is getting
Papaw's back is beginning to get better, he will have to head back to work very soon. The one thing his has been able to help out with is bonding with Tater Tot.
They have been having lots of in depth conversations
I finished the quilting on Elijah's classroom quilt Sunday night but couldn't find a single spare second for the binding :(. It's on the Will Do today no matter what list!!We called in the back ups yesterday and today for DD#1's kiddos. DD#2 took yesterday off to watch them, my sister is with them today. It takes a village sometimes :)
I took Mommy and Blake for his first check up yesterday, Kara and I stayed outside once we got them into the door. Why you might wonder? Kara came down with Chicken Pox Sunday!!!! Holy cow, the ride is getting wild!!! Thus far she has a really mild case, maybe the vaccine has helped in that. So far the other four grands have not broken out.
Hubby shouted down last night as I was locking up that the upstairs AC unit was down again :( There doesn't seem to be a day that another monkey wrench isn't thrown into the already frazzled days.
If we can pull off one more week of this CRAZY schedule we should be home free. Kara, Papaw, and I are alone today, we have great hopes of getting a few things accomplished. Mommy is at home on her own with Tater Tot, she was ordered to sleep when he sleeps. My Sister has DD#1's toddlers, they are going to have a blast with her!
Off to the races, so much to do, but having only one little one should make things a bit easier :)
precious little baby..