Friday, May 31, 2013

This is True Forgiveness

 Do you know what this is? A brand spankin new T shirt hubby bought today!! His excuse. We want to support our local stores, this fella could use our support. OK, we were there to buy more plants since hubby did a HUGE no no to my garden. I would think two trips to this local general store in the last month should have been enough! BTW the store opened in 1890. Hubby won.
 Hard to see from this photo but hubby tilled under 3 rows in my garden last night.
Me - yelling out the kitchen window "What the heck are you doing?" or words sorta like that
Him - turning under the weeds on these three rows.
Me - Row number 1 was yellow onion bulbs, row two was green beans, row three was okra
Him - didn't look like anything to me
Me - did you notice I had a beginning and end stake on each row?
Him - Ya, why did you put those stakes there? I needed them for tomatoes
Me - You ain't worth shooting, grrrrrr
How can I not forgive him since the grands love him so

Off to replant the three rows in the garden that hubby plowed under. He HATES Brussels sprouts. I will be putting in 6 plants. That should show him don't you think?


  1. LOL!!! Too funny! For him of course... ;) Next time he'll need supervised!

  2. This is why my husband is BANNED from using Round-up! And people think marriage isn't work- haha! Bless you, Angela

    1. I have the same problem with roundup, must have been a man to lazy to pull weeds that thought that one up

  3. LOL- I don't know about your state but it is illegal to smother a husband in his sleep in the state of Wisconsin- lol xo Diana

    1. Ha, I think it is according to the crime in NC. Killing a ladies tomatoes or okra in the south is a big time crime!!

  4. Good name for a store,"Davis", my maiden name!!! Come on now, what's one MORE tshirt...

  5. Oh my! I would have been yelling too! My hubby mowed down some flowers I was growing once. They were doing so good and then they were just gone!
