Sunday, January 16, 2011

Extreme Coupons

Well I finally got to see TLC "Extreme Coupons" show that everyone has been talking about. Hummmm... seemed like OCD with some hoarding thrown in, some of the people were sorta sad. You ditch your husband to go shopping, cancel plans with family and friends to shop, have 50 years worth of toilet paper in your stockpile. Sorry but that's just not normal ladies. Spending 70 hours a week working on coupons, buying $70.00 worth of coupons from a coupon company? How is that saving money? Dumpster diving with your toddler to get free coupons, that's not what I would consider a day out with your child. What the heck is the deal with storing food in the garage? Do they not know food can't take the extreme temperature changes in a garage? You would think for people who care more about their stockpile than they do with their own family they would at least know how to store the bounty they bring in.

One lady did seemed normal, not sure what her name was, she was a retired nurse who had put herself and Daughter through college and had been couponing for over 30 years. The grocery shopping trip they filmed of her looked like a normal grocery trip to the store, her one cart had a variety of foods, and she save a ton of money. Hope the show didn't turn people off from couponing :(

Using coupons combined with store sales saves our family so much money, I do try to stock up when the sale/coupons are good but I don't have a stockpile!! I like to consider the extras we have as our personal general store, for the most part I have enough in my pantry's to not pay full price for anything until the next sale cycle. There is a misconception that you can only buy junk food using coupons, but that is just not true, yes there are a ton of coupons for crap but I don't purchase junk, I only buy what we eat and eat what we buy. I refuse to pay good money for food then let it set and expire because I over bought, no matter how cheap I got it, waste is waste. Need to get off my soapbox and finish washing Sunday dinner pots and pans, UGH!!

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