Our holiday season has officially started, the lawn mower parade is a tradition started 20 years ago with a few of the fellas that may have had a bit to many adult beverages and came up with the idea. By the end of the day all of the homes in our neighborhood are decked out and ready to greet Christmas. I love our neighborhood, after the parade whoever wants to go has lunch at a local restaurant then on to our local farm to pick up their tree, in the evening a neighbor down the street treats everyone to a party with TONS of food where everyone donates a gift to a local charity. Whats not to love. We have skipped out on lunch and the evening festivities for a few years now, hubby is home so few days we like to spend what little time we do have together with the kids and our grands, everyone understands thankfully!
After being away from home for the most part helping DD#1 out while she recovers from Masons birth over the past 2 weeks, I was happy to have almost 2 full days at home getting caught up (if there is such a thing) Tyler came over today to help us pick out our live tree at the farm then back home to help Papaw with some guy stuff. I got my turn with him when it was time for some Christmas baking, of course we had to start with M&M cookies. It is so nice to see the first container of cookies in the freezer ready to whip out when needed. I also got the chocolate covered peanuts finished today along with a few small sewing projects.
Tonight is finishing the laundry, working on the last of the Christmas cards, (only 10 more to go) and figuring out why in the HECK I got picked for jury duty :(. We need to report at 8:00AM sharp in the morning, that means I will have to leave the house no later than 6:15AM to make it in time (yep the traffic is that bad) If we didn't have so much going on in the family right now I wouldn't mind doing my duty, but new Mommy is still in need of help until she can lift Karsyn and is able to drive, I have a mandatory Dr appt on Wednesday for more blood work, have both little girls on Thursday and Friday and.... I have cookies to bake people!!! Along with lots of other little to do's around the place. We do have a few friends that are local Asst. DA's, hopefully one of them will have the case and I will be excused lickity split, can't take the chance on a conflict of interest!
A lawn mower parade?! Love it!!! Lol!! You sure have a lot going on right now... You know how the saying goes... "God will never give you more than you can handle." He must trust you a LOT! ;)
ReplyDeleteHa, funny Carla, I was thinking he is quite the joker this week!