Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Messy as a Pig Sty

 Lets keep it real. This is what my sewing room really looks like when I have been on a sewing binge.
 Even my fabric stash is turned upside down.
 The cutting table is covered with completed Bitty clothes
 Why stop with making one night gown, might as well use up all the flannel fabric. That was pretty much my motto on all the Bitty things I have made over the past two weeks. I didn't want to return any of the fabric I had pulled from my stash.
 My room is back in working order. (for today that is)
Not much of a dent was made in the fabric stash. Oh well some dent is better than no dent.

 I have been looking high and low for this pattern for weeks :( I was thinking it was a stand alone pattern, not sew!!!!
As I was cleaning my sewing room I noticed a page in this book was flaged. DUH, there the pattern was.
What a difference a day makes!!! Feels like fall here today, the thermometer in the house reads 72 degrees with NO air conditioner on!!! Ya, what a nice break from the heat and humidity we should be suffering this time a year. I have the back door and kitchen windows open, unheard of in August.
The house is clean, sewing room back in order, laundry caught up, and errands complete. It's amazing what a little cool air can do to a menopausal lady!! Ha I plan on making a batch of cookies or two tonight, no worries over heating up the kitchen for a change.
All this cool weather is a perfect time to dig around in the attic and try to lay my hands on DD#3's Bitty baby and whatever clothing she had way back when. I have both little girls tomorrow, figure having two new babies might keep the cat fights down. Who knows they might even let me get in some piece work.  Dream on.
If this wonderful weather wasn't enough to get my motor humming along a friend told me yesterday she could use a few more fabric scraps in her sewing room to begin working on her Christmas gift list. Well I can tell you that was music to my ears!! I loaded up an entire shopping bag for her to be delivered tonight (just in case she changes her mind) Most summers I am trying to pawn off zucchini. With our garden a total bust unloading fabric is the next best thing.


  1. You have been a one-woman bitty layette factory!
    I think you should sew that prodigal patchwork bag next, since you just found it.
    I am working on a rainbow string quilt

    1. I do feel a bit like a factory worker with no central air!! Ha I made the bag for a Christmas gift last month, thought I could mini size it for the grands a diaper bag to go with the new Christmas dolls. Lord knows I have enough fabric

  2. You have a pretty sewing room; and I love when people post what it 'really' looks like!! A sewing room in use is always the prettiest!

    1. Aww, thank you penpen. I have a thing for looking at others pantries, crazy right Ha

  3. Love your messy sewing room. A mess means you've been creating. :-)
    Clean it up to make a new mess. Works for me. LOL

    1. You are sew right Darlene. When that room is clean something must be off!! Ha working on bath wraps this week
