Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Happy Mail!!

Look what I received in the mail yesterday from Cindy one of my blogging sisters! I am sooo excited too have something new to curl up in the bed with tonight. As an added bonus Cindy also included a recipe for Cinnamon Apple Cake and our first Christmas card of the season!!!! Thank you so much Cindy, what an unexpected treat.
The little Shepard boys are done.
Along with his lambs, grr I hate when photo's load wrong
Shepard with his sheep
The set is coming together, a little more each day.

I have had Kara all morning so I am behind on my Nativity sets as was expected. My goal for today was to make 2 of the Wise men, not sure I will get them both done unless I stay up way past my bedtime, humm. I might just do that as I will have Kara again tomorrow afternoon.

Last night a GF called after working late to tell me she was too tired to cook and just wanted a nice pot roast with taters and gravy. Girl you are talking my kinda meal!! This morning Kara and I threw a beef roast in the crock pot along with some potatoes and carrots. I need to run out to pick up some thread I am getting low on this afternoon, on the way home I will be dropping off a pot roast dinner for my buddy. I figure we can both eat a couple of days on it. It's too late in the day to make bread but some biscuits will be fine along with blueberry muffins for desert. I tend to just make do for dinners when hubby is out of town other than Sunday dinner. A REAL meal in the middle of the week is going to be a treat!

The embroidery machine is beeping, time to change the thread. How are all of you getting along on your Christmas gifts? I sooo hope to finish by next week!!


  1. Sounds as if you are going to be very busy again!!

    1. I know right! Things should settle down next week.

  2. Those nativity sets are so cute. It sounds like you are a busy, busy gal! xo Diana

    1. Can't wait till they are all finished and in the mail!

  3. As always you are welcome Sister! xx They are oldies, but hopefully goodies those mags. Pot Roast with taters, carrots and onions, I have been craving one of those myself. Nice you have a friend to share it with too. I am hoping I will be finished with maybe one or two more gifts to go.

    1. The Mags are so intresting, things have changed so much in the past 10 to 15 years.

  4. you lucky duck getting those wonderful magazines from Cindy. I can't wait to see all the nativity figures together.


    1. Thanks Gill, I want them in the mail come Monday morning
