Thursday, May 24, 2012

Silly Rabbits

 Finally got a picture of one of the pesky but oh so cute bunnies that are munching away in the garden.
Finished the binding on the table topper this morning before the grands arrived. Gotta get my fun in when I can.

It has been a long day around the house. Hubby came home from work early....I had just gotten the grands down for their afternoon nap. I think the little buggers can smell fresh meat willing to play as soon as someone comes in the house. No afternoon nap today :(   Instead we played with the water table until boredom set in then it was on to the hot tub (really a warm tub) By the time SIL did his pick up the grands could hardly hold their heads up, it will be early to bed for them both tonight.

We did a little walk around the gardens this evening. Things are looking pretty bad. I put out 85 corn seeds, 2 have come up...I will be replanting them. brussel sprouts.. not a one made it, more replanting. The durn Zinnia seeds didn't even make it!! Our weekend will be jam packed with garden work, trying to save what is left and starting over on other things. The wet weather has done a job on everything, what the weather hasn't taken the bunnies are munching to their heart desire. So much for having AJ the beagle, she is too busy accepting snacks from the grands to do any hunting.

So thankful for a hubby that will eat just about anything!! Supper tonight was taco's, that was all I had the energy to do besides the fact we needed to use up the leftover lettuce and tomatoes from last nights salad. I will be down to Kara only for the next 2 days. Sometimes having just one is great other times the little girls miss each other so much that all they do is look around the house for the other one asking "where baby is" sweet, sweet kiddo's


  1. Aww, "where baby is", is too sweet. Sorry about your garden; we had that happen one Year when the river crested where we used to live taking everything with it...pretty much watching all your work go down the drain. Love that new table topper.

  2. Love the cute little rabbit, but glad its not eating my flowers!
    Had my youngest granddaughter today and overnight and she played us up going to bed.She just wouldnt give in but she has now gone to sleep and hopefully will stay that way all night!
