Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Fiscal Fast

Quilt top complete
Our Brother In Law retired from station #6, can you see the ladder #6 on the fabric!!

I had lots of plans today but my body said no to most of them. After a short time in the garden this morning and doing my best to shake a nagging headache I gave in and took a long nap only to wake up feeling worse. I thought working on the fireman quilt for our Brother In Law to pass on to his first Grandson might help shake things up a bit in my head so it would clear up but no such luck. A good nights sleep had better turn things around by the morning or I am going to be one unhappy Nanny by tomorrow. I HATE when I can't shake a headache. Being home bound with the lights off and no noise at least kept me on my fiscal fast for today. Here is what I might have spent

Lord only knows what amount of cash I would have laid down if I could have made it to the fabric store to check out the problem I am having with the bobbin.

Planned on joining my Sister and her friend for a movie this afternoon, ticket, popcorn, drink and a candy bar would have run maybe $20.00, I really don't know because I never go to the movies

Update for Fiscal Fast

Monday - $7.00 eating out

Tuesday - $.00

Wednesday - $.00


  1. Awww... I hope you're feeling better soon! Is the headache from allergies? Maybe a Benadryl would help? You're doing awesome with the Fiscal Fast!! :) Mine starts tomorrow & there's already a few items I need... lol!

  2. Na, no allergies here, just one of the lovely symptoms of a brain disorder. I can't really complain because I am sooooo lucky this dosen't happen that often but when it does it really stinks! Good luck on your fast, and thanks for the challenge I think I will be making this a monthly habit
